Junior College
General Education Subjects
Choose from a wide range of choices regardless of your department or major.
These subjects allow you to acquire knowledge of the basics and of relevant domains needed to advance your specialized studies.
Foundations for Learning
Basic Document Preparation, Introduction to Special Needs Education, Sign Language Communication
Mind and Thought
Practical Buddhism, Introduction to Prince Shotoku, Psychology I/II, Philosophy, etc.
Society and Culture
Modern Society and Buddhism, Constitution of Japan, Law (including International Law), Political Science, Economics, etc.
Information and Natural Science
Information Processing I/II, Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Geoscience (including Physics), etc.
Health and Welfare
Sports I/II, Introduction to Social Welfare, Social Welfare Administration, Child Welfare, Welfare for the Aged, etc.
Foreign Languages
English I/II
Career Education
Career Design
Junior College | Department of Child Education |
Department of Life Design |
Department of Child Education
Department of Life Design